How To Help An Alcoholic?

It has been shown that the role of the family is fundamental in helping an alcoholic. Family support and active participation in treatment are essential to achieve good results.

The family must understand that the patient’s self-control abilities are affected by addiction. Thus, family support focuses on achieving the start of treatment or accompanying the recovery of said capacities, allowing them to overcome addiction. Various scientific studies have demonstrated its superiority over other intervention strategies.

When we talk about family, we specifically refer to the patient’s significant relatives, such as parents, siblings, partners, or any other person who has a relevant link with the addict. This program has two possible applications:

  • to support relatives of patients starting treatment, and
  • to facilitate strategies that allow family members to cause a person reluctant to accept their difficulties with alcohol to end up accepting treatment.

The CRAFT program is based on the importance of the social environment surrounding the drinker (partner, parents, children, friends, colleagues…) in maintaining, increasing, or decreasing alcohol consumption. The program teaches to identify and modify behaviors that can inadvertently stimulate alcohol consumption, replacing them with positive behaviors that promote the reduction of consumption and, ultimately, can cause the drinker to enter treatment.

The Program Uses Various Techniques And Strategies, Such As:

  • Measures against domestic violence.
  • Functional analysis of patient behavior.
  • Positive communication.
  • Make it easier for family members not to forget to care for themselves.
  • Strategies to convince the patient to start or continue treatment.

Helping An Alcoholic: Some Basic Guidelines

Families and close environments do not usually know how to deal with the problem, often blaming the subject, pretending not to know, or justifying their behavior. However, such behaviors do not help the patient but can complicate her condition. That is why we will now review some guidelines to help an alcoholic, both to make him see his problem and to facilitate its solution.

  1. The Environment Must Recognize The Problem

In the first place, although it may seem logical, the first step to take into account is not to justify or ignore the behavior and excessive consumption of the subject with alcoholism. The subject who suffers from this disorder or disease (not a vice, something important to take into account) consumes alcohol that is dangerous and has a large number of short and long-term consequences. This fact, as well as that it is a disease or disorder and not something that the subject does to and over which has total control, must be understood and understood by a close environment.

It is important to remember this point, whether the subject can identify and recognize their problem or is unaware of it.

  1. Carry Out The Approach To The Subject In A Moment Of Sobriety

Another logical aspect, but one that can be difficult to consider when the subject arrives drunk and with irrational behavior, is to deal with the issue when the subject is sober. Dealing with the subject in a state of intoxication will not have the same effect since the subject cannot reflect; easily forgetting what was said or even an aggressive response on his part is possible.

  1. Take A Helping Position And Not Blame

It can be easy that the frustration and pain caused by the state of our friend, partner, family member, or loved one, or their behavior or perceptible lack of intention to change, push us to blame them for the situation. This fact does not help the subject but can generate reactance and the existence of conflicts that, in some cases, can even push the affected person to drink more to avoid discomfort.

It is not about pretending nothing is happening but about addressing the issue directly and adopting an empathetic attitude that allows approaching it proactively and collaboratively. It is also important to remember that you should not be condescending or start from a position of superiority, which will also generate reactance.

  1. Watch How You Communicate

Linked to the previous point, we must remember that we face a very complex situation. We can express our feelings regarding the situation that our loved one is experiencing, being useful that we include ourselves in the sentences.

Concern, if it exists, should be expressed, and it is often helpful to mention some of the behaviors you find concerning. Express yourself with empathy and try to seek dialogue, asking why some behaviors are not excessively demanding.

  1. Maintain Some Degree Of Control

The subject with alcoholism is someone with profound difficulties in controlling alcohol intake, this loss of control being the most defining aspect of this disorder. Although it is not about exercising continuous control of each gesture you make, it is advisable to maintain some control over your situation. One of the ways to do it is through money management, in such a way that you can control the amount that the subject carries and what is spent, and even on what depending on how. A person can obtain money from other sources or even be invited, but this procedure is very useful and limits the possible purchase of alcohol.

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